Explanation of Navigation Bar; "The Erie's Speedway" refers to the Marion Division; Breadbasket of the Erie, refers
to the Mahoning Division,Route of the Erie Limited, refers to the Susquehanna Division, Commuter Country refers to the New
York Division, Road of Anthracite refers to the Scranton Divsion. Niagara Frontier Operations refers to the Buffalo Division,
Old Reliable Fast Freight Service, refers to the railroad's freight operations.NOTE: This E-Book will also be offered in Hardcopy
form,including all illustrative material used at a price under 20.00 per copy, which covers ink, paper,shipping, etc.
I am an avid railroad historian and enthusiast. I want to cover the beloved Erie Lackawanna Railroad in greater detail than
I have on any of my other Tripod sites.
My Favorites
Favorite Band or Musician: Debby Boone,Glen Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington Favorite TV show: The Law &Order series Favorite
movie: The Airport series
Favorite food: Chicken
My Hobbies
collecting railroad timetables and related items, photography, historical research. traveling when I can, reading.
Most Admired
Chuck Yeager, John Glenn, Jesus Christ and His Deciples, to whom this is dedicated.
Erie Lackawanna Railroad in Pictures; https://trainmanjim.tripod.com/erie_lackawanna_railroad_in_pictures.html.
Favorite Links Photo Album: https://trainmanjim.tripod.com/erielackawannarailroadinpictures/
Photo Credits: Passenger train and number of other photos by Bob Pennisi, other photos by Jim Mancuso, Paul Duncan, and others
as indicated.
The Erie Lackawanna Limited
The Lackawanna Express